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Take a few minutes to watch this simple but profound video, especially in light of the
current pandemic and restrictions.
Are we able to "give thanks" when things are uncomfortable or not the way we like it?
Ask yourself: "Am I focussing on God and others ....
or myself and the restrictions placed on my life during this time.?"
Let's commit to making our witness to the world one of THANKSGIVING!

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March 23/20 Thought for Today
 John 7:38; James 3:9-12
March 24/20 Thought for Today
Hebrews 10:23-25
March 25/20 Thought for Today
 Psalm 90:12
March 26/20 Thought for Today
 Romans 12:12
April 1/20 Thought for the Day
 Philippians 1:3-6
Sermon Introduction
for April 19, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for April 26, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for May 3, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for Mother's Day ~ May 10, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for May 17, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for May 24, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for May 31, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for June 7, 2020
Sermon Introduction
for June 14, 2020
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Sermon Introduction
for June 21, 2020
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Sermon Introduction
for June 28, 2020
Prayer Ministry Interview

Out-Take Reels

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